The memory aid: an electronic cheat sheet for my failing brain.

No. 4: All Change!


When: March 3, 2009
Where: Metro Central Ultrasound
Who: Fleming spawn! Virgo in the making!
What: Posing nicely for A Portrait of the Fetus as a Young Peanut

Why: Because there is no such thing as oversharing in Blog World, am I right? Also, the meaning of The Memory Aid has now evolved from "random things I may need to remember as I grow old" to "the chronicling of a sprout who will no doubt be thoroughly embarrassed that his or her development was posted online for all to see" (forever and ever! Bwahahahaha).

See also:
Metro Central Ultrasound
A Portrait of the Fetus as a Young Peanut


KKP said...

Yeah!! Your back - so Happy!!

The Lazy Diarist said...

All hail the triumphant return of TMA! Utilizing your offspring as blog fodder is mos' def the way to go. Endless material.

The pleasure is all mine.

The photo at the top of this page was taken by me, somewhere in the middle of Texas, on March 15, 2006.