The memory aid: an electronic cheat sheet for my failing brain.

No. 3: John Krasinski is Everyone's Boyfriend.

'Also, I washed the dishes.'

When: Fall-Winter 2007
Where: The World According to Gap
Who: Jim Halpert
What: Telling you with his eyes that he's totally cool with staying in on a Friday night and renting, like, In Her Shoes.

Why: There's something about JK that makes you think you totally have a chance with him, no?

See also:
John Krasinski
The World According to Gap
Jim Halpert
Like, In Her Shoes
You totally have a chance with him, no?

1 comment:

KKP said...

I totally agree. If only he got a chance to speak to me....

The pleasure is all mine.

The photo at the top of this page was taken by me, somewhere in the middle of Texas, on March 15, 2006.