When: April 28, 2009
Where: St Michael's Hospital, Women's Health Centre, Obstetric Clinic
Who: Our developing daughter
What: Patrick's fear of raising a girl, soon to be realized
Why: Further chronicling of the sprout who grew into a peanut who grew into a stubborn little melonhead. The ultrasound technician joked that our baby is "squirmy" and "a bit uncooperative", as when we first checked in on her this morning she was lying on her stomach, arms above her head and obscuring her face, moving about as if trying to swim. Even the sugary stimulants in a banana, eaten while walking around the hospital in an attempt to jostle her onto her back, couldn't provoke our baby into flipping over. A compromise was reached as she lay on her left side and I on my right, with the technician meeting everyone halfway in order to finish the measurements.
Wow, I just caught a mental glimpse of our daughter's teenage years.
See also:
[S]nips [...] snails [...] puppy-dogs' tails
St Michael's Hospital
Women's Health Centre, Obstetric Clinic
the sprout who grew into a peanut
teenage years