When: Saturday, September 5, 2009
Where: St Michael's Hospital
Who: Baby Girl Fleming
What: Getting a head start (hopefully the first of many)
Why: Because my Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Pregnancy has me on five units of Humalog before dinner, my OB is playing it safe and inducing me a week early, unless I deliver without his help before Saturday. THIS IS CRAZY.
I mean, I know the baby is healthy and ready and might very well have arrived on her own before my technical due date of September 12, and I certainly don't mean that my OB is a nutbar for inducing me so soon. (In fact, my OB is awesome.) It's just -- and perhaps this is the crazy part -- I was pretty much counting on at least ten more days before delivery. This may be a sign that I'm not quite prepared to be a parent. But is anyone ever prepared?
So, yeah, no chance of the baby being born on 9.9.9. I think we all knew that was a pipe dream, no? I just can't believe the baby will be out and about in a matter of days. Wow.
See also:
St Michael's Hospital
Baby Girl Fleming
Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Pregnancy
my OB