The memory aid: an electronic cheat sheet for my failing brain.

No. 10: The coincidence of Labour Day Weekend is not lost on us.

The Early Bird Special

When: Saturday, September 5, 2009
Where: St Michael's Hospital
Who: Baby Girl Fleming
What: Getting a head start (hopefully the first of many)

Why: Because my Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Pregnancy has me on five units of Humalog before dinner, my OB is playing it safe and inducing me a week early, unless I deliver without his help before Saturday. THIS IS CRAZY.

I mean, I know the baby is healthy and ready and might very well have arrived on her own before my technical due date of September 12, and I certainly don't mean that my OB is a nutbar for inducing me so soon. (In fact, my OB is awesome.) It's just -- and perhaps this is the crazy part -- I was pretty much counting on at least ten more days before delivery. This may be a sign that I'm not quite prepared to be a parent. But is anyone ever prepared?

So, yeah, no chance of the baby being born on 9.9.9. I think we all knew that was a pipe dream, no? I just can't believe the baby will be out and about in a matter of days. Wow.

See also:
St Michael's Hospital
Baby Girl Fleming
Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Pregnancy
my OB


The Lazy Diarist said...

You are never prepared to be a parent. But then you cope, because you have to.

You guys will be fine. Excellent, in fact. I've seen it in how you deal with ADF. Born naturals.

I'm excited for you, and I know CC is, too.

Nirmala Basnayake said...

Thank you, AGF. We're still cracking up about ADF rolling her eyes with an "Aw, come on!" at Pain Perdu when CC took one too many bites of ADF's croissant. Fantastic.

That and ADF punched a Black-Eyed Susan! IN THE FACE!

The Lazy Diarist said...

Sometimes it's hard to simultaneously enjoy something funny that your kid has done and discourage them from doing it again. They're more driven by the stifled laughter than by the stern words.

Wow, you're about to have a baby. Like, tomorrow. Crazy!

The pleasure is all mine.

The photo at the top of this page was taken by me, somewhere in the middle of Texas, on March 15, 2006.